Our Counselor
God is also called “Counselor.” The world is presently spending
enormous amounts of money on counselors. People are running
to marriage, financial, and psychiatric counselors looking for
answers to their problems. As Christians, we have access to the
best counsel available.
We have access to the highest wisdom and knowledge in the
world through Jesus. As Christians, we forget this fact many times
and seek counsel from the wrong sources. There are even Christians
that are seeking knowledge through the occult when they
should be seeking Jesus. Many are going to fortune-tellers, palmists
and spiritualists for their answers. Others are consulting astrology
and horoscope charts for guidance and counsel. Most are
not aware that by doing this they are opening their spirits to witchcraft
influences (Deuteronomy 18:10-22, Isaiah 8:19-20, Acts
19:18-20). Christians are suffering from demonic harassment that
takes such forms as abnormal fears, nightmares, unusual and tormenting
sights and sounds, freak accidents, fatal illnesses and torturous
diseases. The root causes of these things can be any type
of satanic involvement. The Lord meant for us to seek His counsel,
not the devil’s nor the world’s.
The gifts of the Holy Spirit are one means by which the Lord
speaks to His people. He is restoring these neglected gifts that are
so needed in the church today such as the true gift of prophecy,
the word of knowledge and the word of wisdom (1 Corinthians
12:8-10). Since the church has discarded these over the centuries,
man has sought the false prophets for their answers. God
wants to show us the direction we are to take and to reveal the
things that we need to know regarding the future.
These beautiful gifts give us guidance and hope. Hope is
almost a forgotten teaching in the church today. We hear a lot
about faith and love, but little teaching about hope. The Lord,
through true prophets and prophetesses, speaks words to encour27
age, edify and give His children hope (Ephesians 4:11-12, Luke
2:36-37, Acts 21:9). We must have hope for a better day, or the
trials and evils around us will overcome us.
The Lord would have us seek those men and women who
have godly counsel, so that we won’t be ensnared in the traps of
the enemy. If we look at our problems, we may feel as if there are
no answers to them. They are too enormous, and our lives are so
entangled that we see no way out. However, if we look to God,
there is no problem too big for Him to solve. Our main objection
to turning our problems over to God is that we don’t want to do
it His way. We either want it done instantly, or we consider His
way too hard. We live in an age of instant coffee, instant tea,
instant mashed potatoes, and we want instant answers.
God operates by the principles in His Word, so we must line
up with those principles if we expect to overcome our problems.
For example, if we have financial problems, we need to examine
God’s Word for what He has to say about financial problems, and
then line up with that Word. Are we handling our money wisely?
Are we tithing and giving to God’s work? Are we lazy or slothful
on our job? Are we in debt for our lustful wants? Do we really
need the things we buy? Are we wasteful? Are we living for God
or for self? Do our money and material possessions belong to
God? Are we willing to leave material things behind should God
call us to do so? Are we willing to sell all and give to the poor? All
of these questions posed here have their answers in God’s Word.
If we take time to study it and ask God what we need to do to
correct our situation, He will show us.
We are usually asked to take one step at a time to correct
our situation, as the Lord leads. Then after we have obeyed in
that step, He leads us to the next one. We must give the Holy
Spirit time to help us straighten up our lives. We did not get into
a mess overnight, so it may take some time to get out of it. However,
if we will continue to walk in the Lord’s counsel, he will
correct our situation.
Maybe our problem is a stormy marriage or unruly children.
The Word of God tells us how to correct these problems. Prayer
can change any unbearable situation, making all things new in
Christ. The key is to follow God’s way in solving the problem.
Perhaps the problem is a health problem. Many people are
seeking God to heal them but are refusing to change their eating
habits or emotional indulgences. Some people have even received
healings from God, but have not kept them because they continued
to violate His natural laws. If a man was healed of ulcers, yet
went back to filling his stomach with everything he wanted to eat
with no restraint and still harbored resentment in his heart against
others, he could soon have the ulcer again. The symptom may
have disappeared for a season but the root cause of the problem
We are seeing the Lord heal many people today only because
of His mercy and grace, yet many are not remaining healed.
Many then think they really did not get healed after all. This is not
true. They just did not take advantage of God’s grace by continuing
to seek and follow after Him. They never asked God to show
them the root cause of the problem. If they had done so, the symptom
would have continued to cease and the root cause might have
been exposed.
Rebuking symptoms is like pruning branches off a tree. They
keep growing back and have to be pruned again.
Some people are habitually in the prayer line. They are prayed
for over and over, with no permanent results. The reason for this
apparent failure is that they haven’t dealt with the root of the
problem. Matthew 3:10 says, And now also the axe is laid unto
the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not
forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. God’s
mercy and love have trimmed the branches many times to allow
us to get to the place where the root problem could be revealed.
We need to be grateful for this. We should also remember this
when we see others, young in the Lord, who keep coming for
prayer over the same problem. They do not need our criticism,
but our love and prayers. They may need to grow some more
before God deals with the root problem, so He just prunes the
branches for awhile.
God wants to show us the underlying cause for our problems.
If we are sick, suffering or struggling under the weight of
heavy burdens, He wants to release us. Proverbs 26:2 says, ...the
curse causeless shall not come. If we are suffering under the
curse of Satan and this world, there is an underlying cause. Our
counselor, Jesus, wants to reveal to us that cause so we can correct
it and have the victory in Him!
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