2012. 5. 16. 16:18
카테고리 없음
Shalom Israel,
“No one calls for justice; no one pleads his case with integrity. They rely on
empty arguments and speak lies; they conceive trouble and give birth to
evil.” (Isaiah 59:4)
empty arguments and speak lies; they conceive trouble and give birth to
evil.” (Isaiah 59:4)
Tel Aviv: This popular international tourist destination has the second largest
economy in the Middle East. And although Jerusalem is the capital of Israel,
it's not internationally recognized as such, and consequently, some 82
countries have their embassies in Tel Aviv, including the United States and India.
Hundreds of prominent Muslim clerics in India, a predominantly Hindu
country, have recently issued demands for an end to economic and diplomatic
relations with Israel, according to the Indo-Asian News Service. Some even
called for an end to ties with the US.
country, have recently issued demands for an end to economic and diplomatic
relations with Israel, according to the Indo-Asian News Service. Some even
called for an end to ties with the US.
Instead of ties with Israel, they called for India to improve its relations
with the Palestinians, Iran and Syria.
with the Palestinians, Iran and Syria.
The thriving trade and military ties between Israel and India, which amount to
billions of dollars a year in military hardware, high tech equipment and
tourism, as well as intellectual and academic collaboration between Israeli and
Indian universities, has been an engine of prosperity and increasing security
for both countries.
billions of dollars a year in military hardware, high tech equipment and
tourism, as well as intellectual and academic collaboration between Israeli and
Indian universities, has been an engine of prosperity and increasing security
for both countries.
Tens of thousands of Indians have seen their quality of life improve due to
imports of Israeli technology in agriculture, sanitation, energy, and
transportation, as well as other areas.
imports of Israeli technology in agriculture, sanitation, energy, and
transportation, as well as other areas.
Israeli and Indian flags flew side-by-side in New Delhi, when Ariel Sharon
visited India in 2003. It was the first time an Israeli prime minister had
visited India, and nearly 100 Muslims were arrested in the resulting protests.
India’s relationship with the Palestinians, Iran and Syria has been somewhat
less advantageous for India, but the Muslim clerics that were cited in the
report did not appear to see it that way.
less advantageous for India, but the Muslim clerics that were cited in the
report did not appear to see it that way.
India’s large Muslim minority, which is the second-most practiced religion in
India, accounting for more than 13 percent of India’s population, has long
complained about discrimination from the Hindu majority, including official
discrimination by the Congress Party-led unity government.
India, accounting for more than 13 percent of India’s population, has long
complained about discrimination from the Hindu majority, including official
discrimination by the Congress Party-led unity government.
Some of these complaints are no doubt legitimate, but for them to blame Israel
and the West for this is simply another example of the kind of absurd
demagoguery which is so common in the Muslim world.
and the West for this is simply another example of the kind of absurd
demagoguery which is so common in the Muslim world.
Iranian soldier and missile
Israel, we need your help in bringing Hope to the Jewish people here in Israel.
Top of the US Priority List: Preparations for War with Iran
“Then Jacob made a vow, saying, ‘If God will be with me and will watch over
me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to
wear so that I return safely to my father’s house, then the Lord will be my
God.’” (Genesis 28: 20 __ 21)
me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to
wear so that I return safely to my father’s house, then the Lord will be my
God.’” (Genesis 28: 20 __ 21)
Despite recent nuclear talks that have seemed to lower the temperature on the
Iran crisis, the US military has placed preparations for a possible war with
Iran at the top of its priority list, according to recently surfaced information.
Iran crisis, the US military has placed preparations for a possible war with
Iran at the top of its priority list, according to recently surfaced information.
A Pentagon source in a New York Times report said that in a three-week
lightning campaign, Iran’s military power essentially could be destroyed by a
conventional air attack from US Navy aircraft carriers and air bases in allied
Arab countries.
conventional air attack from US Navy aircraft carriers and air bases in allied
Arab countries.
Afterward, Washington would be in a much stronger position to demand
concessions on the nuclear issue and other troubling Iranian behavior.
concessions on the nuclear issue and other troubling Iranian behavior.
President Obama with American troops
Although the official line coming out of Washington, London and Paris is that
Western powers would prefer to settle their disagreements with Iran
diplomatically, there is a growing consensus that this isn’t realistic.
Western powers would prefer to settle their disagreements with Iran
diplomatically, there is a growing consensus that this isn’t realistic.
Furthermore, there are increasingly strident voices calling for a military
strike to “finish” the problem; however, all diplomatic options must be
exhausted first, and meetings are taking place next week.
strike to “finish” the problem; however, all diplomatic options must be
exhausted first, and meetings are taking place next week.
Even though almost everyone believes such diplomatic motions are inherently
pointless, they will make it easier for the Western powers to secure
international support for military strikes.
pointless, they will make it easier for the Western powers to secure
international support for military strikes.
Iran itself might give the US and its allies in the region the excuse they need
to launch such strikes, by any of the following:
to launch such strikes, by any of the following:
Miscalculating and/or believing their own bellicose rhetoric;
__ Closing the Strait of Hormuz;
__ Attacking shipping in the Persian Gulf; and/or
__ Provoking an attack from one of its Arab neighbors over the many
points of contention in the crowded Gulf.
Miscalculating and/or believing their own bellicose rhetoric;
__ Closing the Strait of Hormuz;
__ Attacking shipping in the Persian Gulf; and/or
__ Provoking an attack from one of its Arab neighbors over the many
points of contention in the crowded Gulf.
Iran also has had a long simmering conflict with Azerbaijan__its secular Muslim
neighbor to the north, a country that has a strong relationship with Israel.
neighbor to the north, a country that has a strong relationship with Israel.
US, British and French military power in the Persian Gulf region has been
systematically reinforced in recent months, and now includes most of what
Pentagon planners believe would be necessary for a strike.
systematically reinforced in recent months, and now includes most of what
Pentagon planners believe would be necessary for a strike.
In August 2011, US Ambassador Daniel B. Shapiro toured the Iron Dome
Battery in southern Israel. The Iron Dome System was first deployed several
months before, in March 2011. Since then, Israel's Iron Dome systems are
said to have intercepted about 100 Katyusha and Kassam rockets that were
fired into the country from the Gaza Strip.
Missiles and Nuclear Bombs: An Existential Threat to Israel
“They spend the night naked; they have nothing to cover themselves in the
cold. They are drenched by mountain rains and hug the rocks for lack of
shelter.” (Job 24:7 __ 8)
cold. They are drenched by mountain rains and hug the rocks for lack of
shelter.” (Job 24:7 __ 8)
Many experts have described the rocket threat every bit an existential threat
to Israel as the Iranian nuclear program.
to Israel as the Iranian nuclear program.
According to Military Intelligence Chief Major General Aviv Kochavi, “about
200,000 missiles are aimed at Israel at any given time” (Haaretz).
200,000 missiles are aimed at Israel at any given time” (Haaretz).
And because of regional instability, that threat is increasing and
intensifying, IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz said.
intensifying, IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz said.
Israel, can you imagine being forced to live with such an ugly reality?
Imagine__200,000 missiles!
Imagine__200,000 missiles!
Iron Dome: In 2005, the Obama administration
approved $205 million for the production and
deployment of Israel's Iron Dome. This Thursday,
the US is expected to announce an additional $680
million in aid for the purchase of three to four more
batteries and interceptors.
The IDF and its vaunted ‘Iron Dome’ system can only do so much to protect
Israel from Iranian-sponsored terrorism.
If the enemies of the Jewish State ever made a full-court press and launched
simultaneous attacks with rockets, suicide bombers, conventional military
attacks and cyber-attacks, it would be impossible to counter them all at once.
simultaneous attacks with rockets, suicide bombers, conventional military
attacks and cyber-attacks, it would be impossible to counter them all at once.
It’s a cruel and pitiless world, more so in the Middle East than in most other places.
More than anything else, Israelis need hope.
The only true and lasting hope they have is to be found in their Messiah,
Yeshua (Jesus) of Nazareth.
Yeshua (Jesus) of Nazareth.
The best way for them to learn about Him is by reading the Messianic Prophecy
Bible and reaching a firm conviction that Yeshua is their promised Messiah.
Bible and reaching a firm conviction that Yeshua is their promised Messiah.
Gaza Strip rocket ranges into Israel
Israel's Masorti Movement Votes to Ordain Gay Rabbis
Last week, US President Barak Obama made a stunning announcement that
he endorsed the legalization of homosexual marriage in the United States.
he endorsed the legalization of homosexual marriage in the United States.
Beyond the implications in America, the championing of homosexual marriage
by the US President will be seen as an affirmation of the homosexual lifestyle
by many people all over the world, including in Israel.
by the US President will be seen as an affirmation of the homosexual lifestyle
by many people all over the world, including in Israel.
Tel Aviv is already rated by some websites as one of the most homosexual-
friendly places on earth.
friendly places on earth.
Even among “religious” Jewish circles, support is growing for homosexuality,
which is unambiguously forbidden in the Bible, both in the Old and New Covenant.
which is unambiguously forbidden in the Bible, both in the Old and New Covenant.
President Obama
Recently, Israel's Masorti (Conservative) Movement voted to approve
the ordination of gay rabbis, following similar moves by the American
Conservative Movement and mainline Protestant Christian denominations
in several Western countries.
the ordination of gay rabbis, following similar moves by the American
Conservative Movement and mainline Protestant Christian denominations
in several Western countries.
The measure to accept gay and lesbian rabbis passed with 18 votes in favor,
one abstention, and none against.
one abstention, and none against.
“I see it as a very important development in Jewish law,” Rabbi Mauricio
Balter, President of the Israeli Conservative Movement Rabbinical Assembly,
told Haaretz. “I always said we should admit gay and lesbians into
our ranks.”
Balter, President of the Israeli Conservative Movement Rabbinical Assembly,
told Haaretz. “I always said we should admit gay and lesbians into
our ranks.”
“The decision to hold a vote was correct as can be seen by the fact that there
wasn’t a single dissenting vote,” he said.
wasn’t a single dissenting vote,” he said.
Needless to say, there are dozens of dissenting votes throughout the Bible,
and from the Orthodox Jewish community in Israel.
However, Balter’s statement merely reiterates the fact that the Bible is all but
irrelevant for many Israelis and Jews worldwide.
Hopefully one day they will read The Messianic Prophecy Bible, and learn
about Yeshua, and discover their deliverance from sin.
about Yeshua, and discover their deliverance from sin.
Gay pride parade in Tel Aviv
With so much support for the homosexual lifestyle coming from such high
profile political, cultural and religious leaders, it’s no surprise that
ordinary Israelis who practice a homosexual lifestyle are increasingly
strident in their demands to be endorsed and encouraged (not just accepted).
profile political, cultural and religious leaders, it’s no surprise that
ordinary Israelis who practice a homosexual lifestyle are increasingly
strident in their demands to be endorsed and encouraged (not just accepted).
The dozens of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) clubs, bars and
nightclubs in Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Eilat are complemented by a vibrant online
gay scene. As well, every day, thousands of gay Europeans land at Ben
Gurion Airport for the express purpose of meeting and partying with
Israeli homosexuals.
nightclubs in Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Eilat are complemented by a vibrant online
gay scene. As well, every day, thousands of gay Europeans land at Ben
Gurion Airport for the express purpose of meeting and partying with
Israeli homosexuals.
As appalling as these things are, they are merely symptomatic of a much
bigger problem: spiritual darkness resembling that of Sodom and Gomorrah
has descended upon the world, including Israel.
has descended upon the world, including Israel.
In these end times, so few take a stand for the Scriptures or give proper
guidance to those who depend on them.
guidance to those who depend on them.
The shepherds have failed the sheep. This has happened to some degree in
every generation, but today the problem seems to have taken a dramatic turn
for the worse.
every generation, but today the problem seems to have taken a dramatic turn
for the worse.
The Messianic Prophecy Bible will help Jewish people in Israel and around the
world gain a clearer understanding of God’s will for their lives.
world gain a clearer understanding of God’s will for their lives.
Israel, don’t leave Israelis in the grip of darkness. The Messiah is
returning soon and everyone must be prepared.
returning soon and everyone must be prepared.
You can sponsor a chapter of the Messianic Prophecy Bible today or support our Outreach.