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  1. 2012.04.17 Never Again: Israel, why April is bittersweet in Israel
2012. 4. 17. 22:22 카테고리 없음

Evil Empire: Flag of the German Reich

Shalom Israel,
“A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for
her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more.” (Matthew 2:18)
April is a bittersweet time in Israel.
The joyous celebration of Passover is followed by Holocaust Memorial Day,
and various other activities remembering the greatest tragedy to hit the
Jewish People in living memory.

March of the Living: Jewish young people participate every year in a March
from Auschwitz to Birkenau, two notorious Nazi concentration camps where
over a million Jews perished either in the gas chambers or through starvation,
forced labor, individual execution, infectious disease, and medical experiment.
Along with the sad memories, there are also events to commemorate the spirit of
survival and determination to rebuild the Biblical Jewish homeland.
This spirit of “life and determination” is on prominent display every year
during the March of the Living,
in which thousands of Israelis, Holocaust
survivors, and Jewish students from around the world march from Auschwitz to
two infamous concentration camps in Poland.
The March of the Living is the centerpiece of a large series of educational and
memorial events to remember the Holocaust in Poland, Israel, Germany, and
Jewish communities around the world. We must remember, “Never Again.”
This year (April 16__30, 2012) marks the 25th anniversary of the March of the Living.
“Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn
from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)

Starved and dying Jewish slave laborers in the Buchenwald concentration
camp near Jena, Germany. This photo was taken by camp liberators on
April 16, 1945.
Many Secular and Christian adults and groups such as the Polish Friends of
and Japan’s Bridges for Peace also take part, and this year for the
first time, concentration camp liberators from various armies during WWII, will
also join the youth, adults, survivors and educators participating in the March.
Participants will spend a week in Poland with world-renowned Holocaust scholars
visiting places rich with Jewish heritage, but now devoid of Jews because they
were exterminated in the Holocaust.
The International Adult Delegation of the March of the Living will join Jewish
youth in the march from Auschwitz to Birkenau on Yom HaShoah, which is
this Thursday.
Next week, the delegations will visit Israel for Yom HaZikaron (Israel Memorial
and Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israel Independence Day).

Israeli ambassador to the U.S. Michael B. Oren speaks during the Holocaust
Day of Remembrance Ceremony inside the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol on
April 15, 2010, in Washington.
Ensuring the Lessons of Holocaust are Not Forgotten
“When you listen to a witness, you become a witness…” (Judy Weissenberg Cohen)
To ensure that the memory of the Holocaust is not lost, every year Holocaust
survivors attend the event, imparting their story and the lessons of the Holocaust.
Jewish Philanthropist Max Webb, a Holocaust survivor who was honored this year
at the March for the Living Gala, witnessed the Nazis exterminating a hospital
of Jewish children. The Nazis opened the hospital windows and smashed them
against the walls, and then threw them out of the windows, he said.
Webb promised his mother at the beginning of the war to keep the Jewish faith
He endured 12 labor camps, six concentration camps and a death march in 1944.
Liberated from Waldenburg on May 8, 1945, he immigrated to the United States
and became a very successful homebuilder, which has enabled him to keep his
promise to his mother.
“I am convinced that as long as there is a strong state of Israel, Jewish
people will never again experience the horrors of another Holocaust,”
he said.
(A Promise Kept)
The numbers of aging Holocaust survivors who are healthy enough to make the
trip to Poland share their stories in an effort to transmit the lessons of the past, in the
hope that mistakes will not be repeated, are dwindling.

March of the Living: Thousands march through the
gate of Auschwitz over which the notorious sign
Arbeit Macht Frei (work sets you free) hangs. This
same slogan was placed over the entrances of
numerous other concentration camps.
Today’s Marches Contrast Forced Marches of WWII
“For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is
meant to be brought out into the open.” (Mark 4:22)
The March of the Living serves as a counterpoint to the forced marches in WWII,
in which Jewish concentration camp inmates were forced to march hundreds of
miles west as Hitler’s army attempted to hide evidence of their crimes from the
advancing Soviet forces.
But of course, it was not possible to hide the massive scale of the death camps
and genocide.

Dachau death march in the final days of WWII: Dachau was the first
Nazi concentration camp opened in Germany.
The Soviet Army advanced from the east and the Allies advanced from the west,
destroying Hitler’s Third Reich, piece by piece.
Tens of thousands of survivors in dozens of camps were liberated, mostly in
Poland, but also in Germany itself.
Despite the forced marches and attempts at hiding the evidence, the Holocaust
became one of the best  documented mass atrocities of all time. Millions of
pieces of physical evidence were found, and the Nazis kept impeccable records
of the horrors they committed.
This included detailed notes chronicled by Nazi Chief Medical Officer at
Birkenau-Auschwitz, Dr. Mengele (the Angel of Death) on his human

Josef Mengele not only performed
medical experiments on the prisoners
of Auschwitz, but he also selected
which prisoners would be gassed.
Mengele took pleasure in experimenting on all Jews (including pregnant women,
twins and children with disabilities) while they were alive without anesthesia,
surgically cutting up various parts of their bodies while they lay awake and
strapped to tables.
This is on display at the Yad Vashem museum in Jerusalem.

Each year, Holocaust museums at Auschwitz, and in Washington DC, Berlin,
Jerusalem, Toronto and many other cities, are visited by millions of people.
Holocaust history is taught as part of the basic curriculum in nearly every
school outside the Muslim world.
Much of the Muslim world denies that the Holocaust took place, including the
President of Iran who is building nuclear weapons with the potential to destroy Israel.

Sundown marks the beginning of Yom HaShoah
(Holocaust Memorial Day) in Israel as flags are at half-mast.

Intense Time in Israel this Week
In Israel, the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem is the scene of intense
activity during this week of remembrance, including a large wreath laying
ceremony on Yom HaShoah (this Thursday).
Representatives from dozens of countries that fought in WWII as well as
organizations which participated in the rescue of Jews in Europe__and those who
failed to__participate in a massive and cathartic display of remembrance,
contrition and determination that the Holocaust will Never Again occur.
The ceremony, which will be held at sundown tomorrow, will be attended by Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, IDF Chief of Staff and other senior officials, who
give speeches and offer words of comfort to survivors and their families.
During the ceremony, the flag will be lowered to half mast, Holocaust survivors
will light six torches that symbolize the approximately six million Jews who
perished in the Holocaust,
and the Chief Rabbi will recite prayers.
Across Israel, events take place in Israeli schools, government buildings and
at other commemorative museums, such as the Warsaw Ghetto Fighters memorial at
Kibbutz Yad Mordechai.

Mordechai Anilevich memorial: Mordechai Anilevich was the leader of
Zydowska Organizacja Bojowa (Jewish Combat Organization), also known
as ZOB, during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising from January to May 1943. He
perished in the Warsaw Ghetto. In honor of his heroic defiance of the Nazis,
this memorial was built in Kibbutz Yad Mordechai, which is named after him.

Holocaust Denial
Despite the many museums and events which commemorate the Holocaust and the
massive number of testimonies from survivors, liberators and even perpetrators
of the Holocaust,
a growing number of people in the world question or even
dismiss the event.
This is particularly widespread in the Arab Muslim world, where copies of
Hitler’s book Mein Kampf are widely popular, along with The Protocols of the
Elders of Zion
and many other anti-Semitic canards.
These, mainly European, conspiracy theories and lunatic rantings, though
largely dismissed by Westerners, have found an eager audience in the Arab
Muslim world.
Arab television constantly shows footage of the Holocaust falsely stating that
it is a fabrication of the Jewish people and that there is no proof of it.
There are some Arabs who accept that “some Jews” died in a so-called Holocaust;
however, they claim that it was the Jews who created the Holocaust for publicity.

A radio reporter points to a map that shows train routes leading to the death
camp at Auschwitz. The map was on display in the traveling Holocaust
exhibition "Train of Commemoration," seen here at Ostbahnhof train station
in Berlin, Germany. The exhibit  documents the role of the World War II-era
German Reichsbahn state railways in the deportation of Jewish children in
trains to death camps during the Holocaust.
It’s this kind of thinking that enables a madman like Iran's Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad to deny that the Holocaust committed by the Nazis
their collaborators in Europe during the 1930’s and 40’s took place. At the
same time, he makes public statements threatening to commit another Holocaust.
He has said that “Israel should be wiped off the face of the map.”
This kind of thinking accounts for the growing numbers of Muslim clerics in
Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and other countries in the Middle East, Africa and
Europe that agree with Ahmadinejad and cheer him on.
Faced with all this, and in light of the current nuclear threat against
Israel posed by Iran, the Jewish people in Israel need the support of
Christians around the world.

A Jewish youth draped in an Israeli flag during the March of the Living, stays
behind the crowd and contemplates the main entrance to Auschwitz.
Israel needs people to Stand with her and speak out; otherwise, another
Holocaust could take place.
And to have real hope, the Jewish People need the real truth about the Messiah
(Savior and Deliver) of Israel.
Please help us bring Yeshua (Jesus) the Hope of Israel to our Jewish people today!
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