Wounded Healer

Welcome friends!
I am glad to see that you are interested in our Wounded Healer. You might have already guessed who it is but the Bible talks about Him in the book of Revelation 13:8, "And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." Here you may ask, how is the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world? It is true; Jesus was slain from the foundation of the world because of our sins. Forgiveness is not free; it comes with a cost. This is the Bible concept. If this law of nature is not followed, the world would be in chaos.

Now think with me for a moment. Let's say someone fell from a ten story high building. According to the law of nature, that someone will get hurt or possibly die. Can you imagine watching someone bouncing off the asphalt and safely landing on their feet after falling? No, it might happen in a dream but not in a real life because that is the law of nature. Then, according to the law of nature, isn't it also true that if you are a sinner and have sinned before, you cannot enter into the kingdom of God? How can the righteous live with unrighteous? That is why someone who is blameless and perfect must be sacrificed for the transgressions that were committed by the sinners. And that is what Jesus did for us, my friends. Jesus has paid for our sins so we can be righteous, peaceful, and happy. "For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteous of God in him." [2 Corinthians 5:21] That is why they say, "Our happiness comes from the Lord. It literally does! If it wasn't for Jesus, we would be in despair, stress, guiltiness, sadness, heartbroken 24/7 in this toiling world.

Jesus knew when He was 12 years old, during his trip to Jerusalem, that the innocent lamb that was sacrificed for peoples' sins symbolized Him. Jesus knew when He was 30 years old, starting His ministry work, that He was going to die on a cross three years later. He knew that He was "brought as a lamb to the slaughter". He knew that He would bear "our grieves and sorrows" and would be "wounded for our transgressions", "despised and rejected of men", "bruised for our iniquities", and "oppressed and afflicted". [Isaiah 53]However, He went through this so He could heal us and restore us.
Friends, we have God who pours out His soul to bear the iniquities of you and I. We have God who carries our burdens, tribulations, and sufferings as His own. How great is our Wounded Healer? As we read in Isaiah 53, we see Jesus' love for us. Friends, I pray that you can be overjoyed or the more in the Lord.